Tuesday, November 25, 2014

November 25th, 2014
Objective:   SWBAT............
  • Infer the cause of problems or outcomes in fiction texts.
  • Search for and use information to confirm or refute predictions.
  • Justify predictions using evidence.
  • Notice and use information in sidebars.
  • Recognize problem/solution.
  • Infer the larger idea of an informational text.
  • Read dialogue with phrasing and expression that reflect an understanding of a character's emotions.
Word Study 
  • Recognize and form present and past tense by adding the endings -s, -ed, and -ing.
  • Use multiple sources of information to decode words

Close reading: Analyze and critique
Vocabulary - expect, expected, expectations
Word Study - ending -s -ed -ing
Introduce new text "Go Away Geese!"
Revisiting the Text Discussion

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

November 19th, 2014
Objective:   SWBAT............
    • Realize that illustrations carry a great deal of meaning
    • Infer Characters' feelings and 
    • motivations through reading 
    • their dialogue
    • Notice a surprise ending.


    • Reading dialogue with phrasing and expression that reflect an understanding of the characters and events.

    Close reading: Analyze
    Writing about Reading...... Describe characters' feelings and motivations, inferring them from the text
    Introduce new text "The Neighbor's Dog"
    Revisiting the Text Discussion

    Monday, November 3, 2014

    November 3rd, 2014
    Objective:   SWBAT............

    • Summarize part of a text.
    • Identify the problem in the story and make predictions about the solution.
    • Infer traits of the subject of a biography.
    • Use evidence to support thinking.
    • Follow and remember a series of events

    1. Read with phrasing, intonation, and attention to punctuation
    Word Study 
    1. Use word parts to understand word meaning.
    2. Read words with long vowel sounds
    3. Use multiple sources of information to decode words
    Close reading: Summarize and Synthesize
    Word Work
    Introduce new text "Remya Jose's Great Idea"
    Revisiting the Text Discussion